The continuous further development of our systems and services, dynamic fiscal years, and an extensive family of companies—it’s all happening at PVA TePla. Stay in touch with us and keep up to date.
PVA is a leading manufacturer of Sinter-HIP-furnaces for the international hard metal industry. These systems, model series "COD", have been built at PVA for over 35 years in the pressure classes ...
As part of measures to optimize its supply chains, the PVA TePla Group acquired the activities of a renowned, globally recognized Italian vessel manufacturer as of November 1, 2019. The subsidiary PVA Italy, recently founded in Italy, can…
The Annual General Meeting of PVA TePla AG, Wettenberg, was held yesterday at the Giessen Congress Center and led by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Alexander von Witzleben. All items on the agenda were passed with a large majority,…
Today, the Supervisory Board of PVA TePla AG has extended the current Management Board contract with Mr. Alfred Schopf by one year until the Annual General Meeting 2021.
Sales revenues and earnings growth Consolidated sales revenues of the PVA Group climbed - as already reported - by around 13% to EUR 96.8 million. EBITDA increased to EUR 12.3 million – more than double the previous year’s figure of EUR 5.5…